Meeting Notes 10/8/12
Meeting Type: Advisor Meeting
Advisor(s): Dr. Frank, Dr. Harvey
Members: Alex, Kyle, Sondra, Darryl
Excused: Santi, Stuart, Greg
Action Items
- ECEs: Post all research to your personal blogs if not done already
Meeting Topics
- Prospective changes in design
- Comments on our design
- Considerations and requirements to keep in mind during design
Important Notes
- ECE Blogs and lab notebooks are a course requirement and should contain everything you research
- Also a good idea for the MEs as well to document their work
- We should start working on the software ASAP
Transcript (Notes)
- Hasn’t had a chance to look at our Needs Analysis
- Dr. Frank and Dr. Harvey checked that we have a good knowledge of what we need to change
- We’ll put it on our project proposal
- EE Changes:
- Main computer is fried
- We’re upgrading to better computer
- We’re not using the Beagle boards because they’re not powerful enough for image processing
- Separating the power system
- New voltage regulators
- ME changes:
- New body
- New frame ( reusing extruded aluminum
- Frame win’t cover the top, so we don’t have to remove it to get in
- Goal is to use only 4 of the thrusters to maintain stability
- Just take the top off to work on stuff
- Reduce issues with reconnecting wires when opening and closing
- Lab notebook and blog is a course requirement
- Put EVERYTHING you’ve been working on on your blog
- We have “two” group websites, and some of the group has personal blogs
- We’re gonna put our content on Wordpress, the other one will be primarily for the grade
- Alex will check if Wordpress can output HTML for the ME site, but it probably can’t
- Kyle posted Dr. Clark presentation to ECE Blackboard
- Dr. Harvey reminded us that our sub must be negatively buoyant on no power
- Dr. Harvey mentioned the middle school team with the Tupperware sub
- Dr. Harvey suggests the software be done starting immediately
- Dr. Frank looked at our new box, we showed him the CAD model
- Waterproofing
- Double o-ring
- Rubber gasket
- Lid
- Dr. Harvey warned about not making lid too thin (seal) or too thick (weight)
- Thruster mounting
- Dr. Harvey: pitch/yaw control, how will we do that without the extra thrusters
- Dr. Harvey: should examine water flow over the system
- Make sure we tie all the grounds together
- Otherwise we can get glitches where the sub just stops working after a while due to the floating grounds
- Keeping old batteries, adding a pack for the other electronics, and a pack for the computer
- No voltage regulation between batteries and computer
- Insert fuses as “inline fuses”
- Slow-blow fuse for thrusters (for voltage spikes at start)
- Keeping old thrusters and very similar Arduino setup
- Compressed air
- May get faster speed of launch if we just push air against the torpedo
- Motor driver
- Connect a piece of metal to the heat sink to dissipate heat
- They shut down when hot, which is obviously bad, but much better than melting
- Issues last year were largely with seals
- Even with testing, things wear down after a while
- We’ll be using the Arduinos to control all the external components
- Avoid internal conflicts so we don’t end up with fights like last year’s team
- Use the IMU to track your past movements to relocate the path when you use it
- Main challenge of this project is the underwater testing, the Moorecom pool is not permanent and it’s hard to do a thorough enough test to be ready for the competition
- Sonar pingers should be tested ASAP to figure out how to use them
- Unit testing is very important
- We don’t know how to design the control
- Mechanicals will be giving us our flow effect measurement
- Simulator would allow us to test things more easily, but would be very difficult to make
- Purchasing issues
- Cannot purchase without PO on ME
- Fouraker: give them a part number, they order it, we PO it from them
- Granger: another place that sells like anything through a PO
- Suggest we buy everything we know we need on a PO ASAP
- Dr. Frank helped Alex with looking for a computer through PO
- Use a power FET to run the Arduino high logic to turn on the actuators
- Actuators may work in pairs, with one pushing and the other pulling on the air flow
- Go to Battery Source here in town for batteries right in town, they also do POs.
- Alex says he’ll go take a look
- FSU may be able to get order through in 2 days for pickup
- Think ahead when doing POs, you need to order all your extras at once and have time to spare
Group Notes
Not available.